Monday, April 13, 2009

It's a party, are you invited?

Drinks all around, music blasting, a delicious dinner. Friends wherever one looks. This seems to be the perfect party. However, there are ten guests here who are really the driving force behind the excitement.

Guest One:
Chad Kroeger.
The most accomplished Canadian in my mind, his sense of how to throw a good party, his ability to woo girls and his brilliant mind for music are enough reasons to want this guy around at any get-together.

Guest Two:

Guest Three:
Because if I am throwing this kick ass party, I think I would like to be there to enjoy it.

Guest Four:
In case Chad and his band get out of hand, or any of the other guests at my shin-dig.

Guest Five:
Barack Hussein Obama.
Hopefully will bring a change to the lame parties people people have held in the past (*cough* Gatsby *cough*).

Guest Six:
To show him how this stuff is really done.

Guest Seven:
Lorenzo Burton.
To keep Dean happy.

Guest Eight:
To play their hit song, Tub Thumping, the only party song EVER, over and over and over and over etc.

Guest Nine:
Chuck Norris.
To take care of Chumbawamba once that song becomes tiresome.

Guest Ten:
James Ready.
A heavy set fellow who knows how to have a good time. Can frequently be asked for witty anecdotes. Sure to be the life and undoing of the party.

Bonus Guest:
Because I'll need someone to help clean up with.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I think that if I were given this curse...

Yes, it is a curse. The power of seeing into the future is most definitely a curse.
People would argue that your life would become so much easier if you could only see every problem and fortune you would run into.

But would your life be easier?

Yes, you could probably avoid all those terrible girlfriends, all those embarassing moments, all those drunk one night stands you would rather forget. You could probably stop a good majority of major disasters in the world before they happened. Heck, you could probably become President of The United States of America.

The problem is, the essence of life is taken a way. Life is about free will; it is about taking chances. Is there such thing as free will if you already know what you are going to do?

I would consider this a curse not only because if anyone found out about your power, you would be the most desired and busiest man in the world, but life would not be worth living. In avoiding the bad parts of life, you in turn make the good parts seem alot more mediocre. Eventually, the point will come where you no longer feel excitement, sadness or any other form of surprise. You would be rid of emotions.

This is a curse I could do without.

Where the hell am I going?

Like a good majority of the students in this school, I have decided that I will most likely be attending McMaster University in the fall.
This is not a sure thing, however I am definitely leaning towards it.
Why did I decide to go to Mcmaster?
Because I got accepted to the Social Science program of course.
Why did I get accepted?
Probably because I am a lazy, under achieving post-graduate who already did enough work last year to get in to university. It might have something to do with rugby as well but who knows.
Why did you choose Social Sciences?
Because I think I want to get into the law field, whether it be through the police enforcement, or maybe even a lawyer.
So you like law?
Good, then go to Mac!
Well I probably will