Monday, April 13, 2009

It's a party, are you invited?

Drinks all around, music blasting, a delicious dinner. Friends wherever one looks. This seems to be the perfect party. However, there are ten guests here who are really the driving force behind the excitement.

Guest One:
Chad Kroeger.
The most accomplished Canadian in my mind, his sense of how to throw a good party, his ability to woo girls and his brilliant mind for music are enough reasons to want this guy around at any get-together.

Guest Two:

Guest Three:
Because if I am throwing this kick ass party, I think I would like to be there to enjoy it.

Guest Four:
In case Chad and his band get out of hand, or any of the other guests at my shin-dig.

Guest Five:
Barack Hussein Obama.
Hopefully will bring a change to the lame parties people people have held in the past (*cough* Gatsby *cough*).

Guest Six:
To show him how this stuff is really done.

Guest Seven:
Lorenzo Burton.
To keep Dean happy.

Guest Eight:
To play their hit song, Tub Thumping, the only party song EVER, over and over and over and over etc.

Guest Nine:
Chuck Norris.
To take care of Chumbawamba once that song becomes tiresome.

Guest Ten:
James Ready.
A heavy set fellow who knows how to have a good time. Can frequently be asked for witty anecdotes. Sure to be the life and undoing of the party.

Bonus Guest:
Because I'll need someone to help clean up with.

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