Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Most Vivid Childhood Memory

One of the most vivid recollections I have would probably be from when I was eleven years old. I was in the school playground, just doing my thing.. whatever my thing was back in the day. A kid runs up to us, obviously coming from home during the lunch hour. He tells us of something that happened in America that day. I can't remember his name, but from what he said, we got the impression that a few jets had flown into the White House in Washington. Our first worries were is the President alright? Never in our wildest dreams could we have imagine the enormity of what had happened that day. Even days after, I still did not understand why there was so much buzz and publicity about this event. I've come to learn the impact September 11th had on the world from that point, but at the time I never understood the scope of it.
I remember coming home and we had roofers working on our roof. It was bloody loud in the house, but my parents were both sitting home in front of the television. I remember renting a video game the day before, Pilotwings 64 ironically enough considering the situation at hand. I was completely bummed out and angry at the fact I could not play my game because the t.v. was in use all day. As anyone could see, I really did not understand what was going on, but I don't think anyone my age did. I remember playing street hockey outside that night hoping I would get some t.v. time later. That never happened. What I remember from there is that my dad had to head to a convention center to be with the people who's planes had to land in Halifax because of the air traffic cancellations. He was the for a few days, councelling and doing other things like that.
I remember things quite vividly from that day and I think those memories will stick with me for as long as I live.

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