Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some filling literature

I’m pretty hungry today. As normal, my kitchen is empty; because of me. What else is lying around this house that has potential to feed my bottomless pit of a stomach? Well, the strudels are gone, and the Jamaican patty box is empty, so I guess I’ll move on to the next best thing; books!
Which books to eat? I mean I have to choose wisely… the wrong book could taste bad, or even worse, it might not fill me! Wait, what’s this book here? Mmmm, The Divine Comedy. You sure know how to write them, eh Dante? This story would be delicious! I mean, the farther I get through this story, the hotter it will be! Wow, hot circles of fire. Almost reminds me of spicy pizza, or a warm cake coming out of the oven. My mouth waters as I think about it.
I guess with all this spicy stuff going down the hatch, I might need something to wash it down with. Something cold, satisfying… something milky. Milky! Oh Burgess, I knew you would satisfy me one day. You’re tale of those boys, and their adventures… I mean, their nights almost always start with trips to the milk plus bars. A Clockwork Orange is perfect and just what I need to get that calcium in my bones, and that satisfying liquid in my stomach.
I’m feeling a main course now though; I need something meaty and filling. As I look around, I begin to smell it. It’s that familiar scent you get when you know that big ass turkey dinner is waiting for you. Then I see it, standing right in front of me. It is probably the meatiest book I could imagine. James Joyce’s Ulysses taunts me as it sits on my shelf, bending the infrastructure of the frail boards that try to support this monstrosity of a novel. This thing is huge! This constant stream of consciousness just keeps satisfying the depths of my stomach like nothing else can. I can almost say my stomach is reaching that point… but I must save room for some desert.
I don’t know what’s up with me lately. I’ve been striving to eat healthier, as all this eating has been packing on the pounds. My binge eating has led to my levels of high cholesterol and low levels of energy. I think it is time to turn things around and have something healthy for desert. I pick this fruity book and enjoy all the nutrients it has to offer. The Grapes of Wrath might not be the best tasting book; in fact it’s downright depressing and not what I had hoped for desert. The satisfaction though comes in the fact that I know it is good for me.
Wow, I am full. I sit down and bask in the glory of how bloated yet satisfied I am. My eyes shudder, and then they begin to close. I feel myself falling into a heavy sleep, and before I know it, I am out cold for the night. Then, after what seems like not more than a second, I awaken from my sleep. It is morning already! Wow… I guess all that food must have produced some serious serotonin in my body and put me out for the night. Once again however, I am hungry. I wake up and open my cupboards. Still nothing… damn. Then I open the fridge and a smile begins to form. I take one look at it, pick it up, and enjoy the satisfying taste of that book. There is nothing like some Green Eggs and Ham in the morning time.
Now that was a meal… I guess I will have to head to the grocery store soon… but that was satisfying. I will forever look at those books in a different way.

1 comment:

  1. Note: I am not commenting on your post for a reason . . . Beware.
